Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is a set of intelligent business applications that helps you run your entire business and deliver greater results through predictive, AI-driven insights.

Azure Machine learning

Machine learning is a data science technique that allows computers to use existing data to forecast future behaviors, outcomes, and trends. By using machine learning, computers learn without being explicitly programmed.

Python for Data Science

Data science is the study of data. It involves developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information. The goal of data science is to gain insights and knowledge from any type of data — both structured and unstructured.

Marketing Form to Contact in D365 Marketing

Step 1 : Login to D365 Marketing and Navigate to Outbound Marketing > Internal Marketing >Marketing Form Step 2: Click New and select Template for Marketing form. Step 3: Make sure the Form Type is landing Page and Update Contact/Leads is set to onlyContacts. Change the Name if require. Step 4: Now add or modify…

Get Access Token for Graph API

Step 1 : Register App in Azure App Registration Step 2 : Get Client Secret and Client Id from App Registered Step 3 : Set up URL and Body Parameters in POSTMAN and Call the Microsoft Token API. Step 1: Register App in Azure App Registration Prerequisite : Must have Azure account. Login to Azure…

Azure Cognitive Service – Bing Search with Python

What is Bing Web Search? The Bing Web Search API is a RESTful service that provides instant answers to user queries. Search results are easily configured to include web pages, images, videos, news, translations, and more. Bing Web Search provides the results as JSON based on search relevance and your Bing Web Search subscriptions. Reference…

Azure Cognitive Service – Bing Autosuggest with Python

What is Bing Autosuggest ? If your application sends queries to any of the Bing Search APIs, you can use the Bing Autosuggest API to improve your users’ search experience. The Bing Autosuggest API returns a list of suggested queries based on the partial query string in the search box. As characters are entered into…

Create Bing Autosuggest Cognitive Service in Azure.

Hello and Welcome! Today we will know how to create Bing Autosuggest Cognitive Service in Azure. Step 1 : Create Bing Autosuggest Cognitive Service. Login into Portal.azure.com, To get one free trial Account Search Bing Auto Suggest and Click on Bing Autosuggest option in market place, highlighted below. Fill up the details on Bing Autosuggest…


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